Flyers and wobblers are probably the smallest and most affordable printed advertising materials. Their names come from English and represent the two types as “flying” and “wobbler”. They accurately describe the main features of both advertising media.
Typical flyers are about 1/2 – ¼ of an A4 format. They can be printed one-sided or two-sided, single-color or full-color, with a standard shape or a non-standard one – including ones that resemble the shape of the advertised product. Depending on the type of goods, services and events they advertise, they can be luxurious or mass-produced.
The most important thing about them is that they are intended for mass hand-distribution, delivery to mailboxes, leaving in places with high pedestrian flow – shopping centers, metro, large bus stops, etc.
They have several undeniable advantages over even the most luxurious printed materials:
quickly reach the maximum number of users at a low unit cost
Once they reach home or the office, they are read by different people (they fly, they pass from person to person), sometimes days and weeks after they are distributed.
They inform the audience about discounts, promotions, introductory prices for new products, services, openings of restaurants and stores. They advertise glamorous events, invite to concerts, etc.
Discount section, event location diagram, etc.
They are designed for point-of-sale (POS) advertising. Their main feature that distinguishes them from all other advertising materials is the attached or punched "tail" with which they are attached to the shelves in the store. The most typical are round or square, but they can be in any shape - including resembling the advertised product - a glass, a jar, a bottle. Their most common sizes are about 10 - 20 cm (in diameter or on a side).
Wobblers are used for:
Their free hanging on shelves and racks allows the wobblers to move and vibrate with every movement around them. The change in their position attracts the eyes of passing customers (our eyes naturally react to any change that comes into our field of vision) and focuses their attention on the product.
You could also advertise different types of services and events with them by hanging them in places visible to passersby.
We offer you flyers and wobblers on the paper of your choice with quality printing. The runs are according to your needs, the deadlines are short, and the prices are affordable.
We produce from the simplest to the most luxurious, we use a variety of printing technologies and techniques to achieve an expressive and impactful vision.
We carry them out from the idea to the finished flyers and wobblers, but we will also print them with your project.
We are waiting for you to discuss together your need for fast and effective advertising with flyers and wobblers.