Catalogs, leaflets, brochures

Catalogs, leaflets, brochures

Catalogs, leaflets and brochures are advertising and informational printed materials. They differ in format, volume and purpose. The performance of all three types can be from luxurious to mass.


They will present your products and services in the best possible way. You can write short descriptions, technical and commercial information to their photos. They can be of different formats and number of pages. They are more informative in nature, facilitating the selection of the necessary goods and ordering.
The winning catalogs are on good paper, with a clean, stylish design, strictly presented, unambiguous information and full-color, high-quality printing. The more voluminous ones are sewn or stapled. They can be glued or spiral-bound.


Brochures are addressed to both business partners and end customers. Their volume is over 4 pages and the binding is with staples, spiral or glue. They can be of different formats. They have a more pronounced informative nature, which in turn determines the simpler design.

  This does not mean that if you need it, you cannot order a richly illustrated, luxurious brochure on spectacular paper. The form always obeys the goals that are set for the printed product.

Folded brochures

Leaflets are multifunctional printed materials. They serve advertising and informational purposes with equal success. They consist of one sheet, most often with two or three folds, but can also have one or more. They may carry more information, more images, or have a well-balanced, impactful vision - depending on the tasks they solve.

In order to fulfill their assigned tasks, they must have a well-thought-out design that attracts and retains attention, clearly conveys the brand's message, excites and includes current and future consumers in the brand's values.


Why order your printed materials from us?


We have high-tech equipment that guarantees precise printing, stitching, folding and trimming of leaflets, brochures and catalogs.


We offer a wide selection of options for individualization and achieving a luxurious look - from applying different types of varnish to printing with a liquid gold effect.


We are able to produce large and small runs. We achieve favorable price-quality ratios.


Our graphic designers create creative designs for brochures and other printed materials, subject to functionality and set marketing and advertising goals.


Come to us and see the brochures, catalogs and brochures created for our clients!